Monoova partners with Fastly

Monoova partners with Fastly

Enhanced Performance for Monoova’s Publishing Platform

About Monoova

Monoova is a leading publishing platform that helps content creators reach a wider audience. With robust technology and innovative solutions, Monoova empowers creators to showcase their work and connect with their audience like never before.

About Fastly

Fastly is a content delivery network (CDN) that helps websites deliver content faster and more securely. With a global network of servers strategically positioned around the world, Fastly ensures that content is delivered to users with minimal latency and maximum reliability.

Partnership Benefits

  • Improved performance for Monoova’s publishing platform
  • Enhanced security and reliability for content delivery
  • Global reach with Fastly’s network of servers
  • Faster load times for users accessing Monoova’s platform


“We are excited to partner with Fastly to enhance the performance of our platform. With Fastly’s cutting-edge technology and global reach, we can deliver a better experience for our users and content creators.” – CEO of Monoova

© 2021 Monoova. All rights reserved.


